
23 January, 2011

How did it get to this?

Bathroom cabinet

And this.....

In the wardrobe!
On bathroom benchtop
and this...! At least the makeup's in a makeup case...

Looks like someone needs to make a quick trip to Ikea for a Helmer (or two)!

Trust me, it's taken a few years to accumulate.  After a fairly plain, vanilla childhood - although I do recall wearing hot pink and orange skittled nails at seven - I moved on to the obligatory electric blue eyeliner as a teen in the eighties, and started my fascination with collecting makeup. 

I actually bit my nails for most of my child and teenage-hood and used nailpolish as my method of giving up the habit.  Well that worked!

That's it for now...

Vita :)


  1. I started using NP to help me stop biting my nails too! It works for me; however, I took off my nail polish today intending to let them breathe for a few days and ... whaddya know ... I started gnawing on my left thumbnail! Tee hee. I immediately put on a cheery summer coral-orange. It will help get me through the dreary fall weather.

    1. I'm hearing ya! That's why I loooove my nail polish - it stops that nervous habit :)
