
26 May, 2011

Kreativ Blogger & Versatile Blogger awards!

Over the last few weeks I've received two blog awards - the Kreativ Blogger Award from McDiaz714 of Nails Made Simple and the Versatile Blogger Award from Annalisa of Make-up Pleasure.   Thanks to you both lovelies!  :-)

The rules for both awards are very similar so I have decided to combine both in one post.  The rules are:
  1. Thank the blogger who gave you the award
  2. Share 10 random facts about yourself
  3. Pass the award on to other bloggers you wish to nominate 

First up, here are 10 random facts about me:
  1. I used to bite my nails until I finished college/university
  2. I've had a cataract in my left eye since birth so I can't get my pilot's licence
  3. I live blissfully with my husband, 9 yr old son, and two cats
  4. I'm afraid of heights & rollercoasters but I love speed!
  5. In addition to my nailpolish collection I've also got a huge collection of lipsticks & glossy fashion & beauty magazines
  6. I'm also addicted to chocolate!
  7. I exercise a few times a week to try and counteract the chocolate...
  8. I love to travel
  9. I  think I've dyed my hair every reasonable colour except black - it's now back to blonde :)
  10. I've just turned 45 years old - yikes! - but I feel much younger on the inside

Now I have pass these awards to 10 other lovelies.  I nominate:

If Blogger rights itself I'll be able to notify you lovelies directly that you've received this award :) 

Vita :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats you deserve these awards! :) I also used to bit my nails, it ruined them, never been the same since. :(
