
29 April, 2012

Fuso: Unlabelled ruby (and Twitter!)

Hello and thanks for all the lovely comments from you on P10P and the sympathy for my cold!  I'm on the mend already so it seems to have been one of those 24hr things.  Finally I can go beauty plundering again - and you know I already have today but I'll keep you in suspense a little while (at least until I time to do the photo's)! 

Onto the NOTD:  This Fuso polish is another oldish Singapore purchase from Watsons about 2 years ago.  The label sticker has dropped off the bottle but from memory it would have been only a number anyway so the description's been left up to me!  This is a cool-toned ruby red with a strong metallic shimmer so it has that wonderful lit from within look.  In my limited experience Fuso nail polish is fantastic quality for a drugstore product as the formula isn't gloopy at all, it applies extremely evenly and looks as smooth as silk in two coats.  Dries quickly too - whenever I get back to Singapore I'll be looking out for these.  Sorry about the less than luminous pictures but the weather was really awful and gloomy when I did the mani.  I've had to resort to artificial lighting to bring out the best of this polish...

Indoors lamplight - to show the glow

Outdoors - cloudy conditions


What's your favourite brand of drugstore polish?

On a random note - after some friendly nudging (you know who you are!) I'm now tweeting away on twitter.  Click 'Follow @MakingUpVita' on the sidebar if you want to know what I'm up to!

Until next time.

Vita :)