
28 August, 2012

REVIEW: Dove Silky Nourishment Body Cream

I'd like to introduce you to my latest every day moisturiser -

Dove's Silky Nourishment is my current pot of body moisturizing indulgence which I received as part of a Priceline skin care pack a few months ago.  I'd never tried it before and I've been pleasantly surprised by how much I'm enjoying it - any excuse and I'm slathering it on.  Without further ado let's get into my rave review!

These pictures are just about life size - look at that great big tub!

I'm always using some form of body moisturiser so by now I've identified what my needs/wants are in a body cream or lotion.  I want it to be rich and obviously moisturising, but I don't want it to be too rich to glide over my skin for easy all-over body coverage - tick!  I'm usually in a hurry in the mornings so I'm going to want quick absorption - tick! - and I want soft skin, but I don't want it to feel greasy - tick!  Finally, for an everyday moisturiser I want a soft, subtle fragrance which won't clash with my perfume - again, tick!  The lovely, very subtle fragrance fades away and I just smell like a nice(er) version of me! 

Every time I look at the contents of that pot I just want to dive right in!

You can see this cream achieves the balance of richness and lightness at the same time.  It reminds me of lightly whipped cream - you, know the 'soft peak' which just holds its shape.

According to Dove, this Silky Nourishment Body Cream feels silky and indulgent because it actually contains "...pure silk, contained within Dove's rich, creamy moisturisers" .   I love it because, yes, it feels indulgent, yet at less than $10AUD for a generous sized tub I can slather away to my heart's content without hurting my wallet.

  • Richly moisturising and feels like a more luxe product
  • Great coverage,  a little dollop glides a long way over the skin
  • Can be applied on shower damp skin and absorbs quickly and easily
  • Non-greasy
  • Good value at just under $10AUD for a 300ml tub
  • Pleasant, subtle fragrance that won't clash with perfume

  • Packaging - a tub won't be suitable for those who don't enjoy sticking their fingers into product!
  • Again, packaging - the large tub takes up a lot of bench space and isn't travel-friendly

Would I repurchase this?
For at home use, definitely!

What's your favourite everyday body moisturiser?

Vita :)


  1. Oh I love this too! It's such great value, but terrible for taking away! I'm scared the lid is going to come off! :(
    I'm not really big on putting my fingers into it either, but hey, for that price I'm willing to put up with it!
    Great rave! :D

    1. I love the product but the jar's a little impractical - that's the only negative though :)

  2. I have always seen it while am shopping but never bought it .. probably will give it a go next time .. I usually like Dove products ..

    1. If you like Dove then this should be worth a try for an affordable pamper!

  3. It's always wonderful when you find something you really love, and it's so darn affordable! Jars aren't my favorite, either, but a lot of my favorite body lotions come packaged that way, so I just deal with it.

    1. Yay for affordable luxuries! Sometimes I love them more than the expensive things. I suppose we could be precious and use spatulas to get product out of tubs but that would be silly - I think!?! :))

  4. This is so weird - we get Dove hair stuff, soaps and body washes but NO BODY CREAMS. What the what??? This is my first time seeing it. @_@ (We used to have Dove skincare but they pulled it from the shelves some time last year and I haven't seen them since.)

    I actually really like jars and pots. Maybe because it allows me to see exactly how much is left and to scoop out every little bit possible, unlike tubes. Anyway, I'd so try this if it ever makes its way over to Canada.

    1. Gee the inconsistency with product lines bugs me! I don't understand why you guys wouldn't have at least the same range of products, if not more up there?? Perhaps I should find out how much these jars are to ship up to Canada - a care package may be in order!

    2. I feel like it might be quite expensive, especially because a jar like this would be heavy. :( I've sent small bits to AUS because of the blog sale and it was not too bad, but anything large or heavy was going to be murder via airmail. So, knowing that, I sent a book via ship to NZ and guess how long it took? TWO MONTHS. @_@

    3. Two months? Aaargh!!! I'm impatient so I'd go INSANE waiting!!!

  5. I'm using Nivea body lotion (white bottle) and have been using it for ages.
    I hate streaky white marks and everytime i try to switch it's the streaky kind. :(

    1. No streaks with this one! It rubs right in - I hate it when I have to spend 5 minutes trying to rub in body creams. That's 5 minutes of my morning wasted, haha!

  6. I don't mind pot form moisturisers for body, I think because my body doesn't break out I'm not afraid of using my fingers. I haven't tried too many Dove body products, their tinted moisturiser is my fave but this looks really good. I can't stand body moisturisers that take ages to sink in- cold mornings and standing around waiting do not bode well for me! When I get through the mountain of lotion I have on the go right now, I'll be hitting this up. Awesome review x

    1. Thanks Emma :) I'm happy to share my thoughts when something really impresses me and this body cream has!

  7. Fabulous review Vita! :) I can't stand the big tubs either. I have a HUGE tub of aloe cream, and it's a pain to store! Plus, I don't think I could possible use up the whole tub of product by the expiration.

    1. Yeah, if it was also available in a more travel-friendly version this would be perfect in my book!!

  8. I love it too, I used to use Superdrug's Dry Skin Relief Lotion, which was good, but leaves a slight residue that you notice on your hands and feet. I spotted this one and immediately grabbed it coz I love Dove stuff :) If I need to travel I have a small dispenser that I fill with the Dove cream (it can get a bit messy, but the excess just gets slathered on me instead :P) I dislike having to dunk my fingers in the pot, but like being able to get every little bit out.

    1. It's a great idea because I really love this cream! I've since tried other brands and they never perform quite as well as this one :)

  9. I love this product too,I first read about it on your blog and have been using it ever since. I have my own blog at and this was one of the very first products I reviewed, But thank you so much with out your blog i would of never found my daily moisturiser!:)x

    1. Wow thank you Jessica!

      I'm always pleased when I find out my reviews have helped someone with their beauty choices :)
