
01 August, 2012

Revlon: Cocoa Wine

Nail fail ahead...

Cocoa Wine is a vintage polish from Revlon and this brown cream screams 1990's to me. It must be an old one cos I can't find anything on the interwebs about it either!  Back in the '90's (in my youth, haha!) it was all about brown, bronze, nude, beige etc and chocolatey lips and nails seemed just so right and THE height of fashion.  Well, okay so this polish looks a little dated but that's not why it's a fail.  It applied smoothly for a prehistoric polish too, but after the top coat went on it wrinkled like an old sheet.  Not a good look.  Of course I later saved it with one of my layering experiments but I'll leave that for another post.  Let's just take in the initial disaster for now.  You can see it on the pinky...

Full sun


Until next time.

Vita :)


  1. LOL, you are right, I would go back to the 1970's - but it looks great on you!

    1. Aww thanks Maria! I used to so love these colours but I can see they don't work so well now...

  2. awww the 90's my youth years too hahahahaha... I was never into makeup back then so I missed out lol, too bad this polish ended up looking like an old sheet heheheh cant wait to see the layering experiment

    1. Layering experiment's coming soon!!! It looked so much better once I salvaged it :)

  3. Oh man, haha. This color is not for me, and the wrinkling is weird! I've never had that happen before. I can't wait to see how you saved it!

    1. I've never experienced wrinkled polish before so it was just plain weird. Still, it's worth putting up the failures too right?

  4. OH YEAH, 90S FOR SURE!!!

    It's such a delicious fall shade, though. These things tend to come in cycles so I feel that Cocoa Wine will have its moment in the spotlight again!

    1. Perhaps the shade will come back into fashion Liz but I ain't going to be wearing this particular polish again with its weird formula! LOL

  5. Ohmigoodness, but what a stunning rich color! I adore colors like these even though most people don't like them :)

    1. So glad you like it! I used to love these colours way back in the day. So sad they look a little dated - just waiting for the fashion and beauty clock to come back around :)

  6. i wore a lot of bricky browny colors back in the 90s too!
