
18 December, 2013

2014 beauty resolutions AKA The 2014 Beauty Diet!

It's the business end of the year when some of us take stock of all sorts of things in our lives - and pledge to do things differently in the coming year!
I don't think I resolved to do anything particular in 2013, although I did work at shedding 12.5 kg (27.5 lbs) this year but that's not what I'm here to elaborate on in this little post.  Being beauty and makeup obsessed as I am I think I may have allowed myself to blow out just a little (read "by a truckload") with impulse buying this past year so this is where I pledge to shed just a little next year - at least until I head overseas in late 2014 to Japan and Hawaii when I figure all bets are surely off - depending on exchange rates of course!
For inspiration/motivation/focus here are the makeup items I believe I'll be able to finish over the coming year...
In previous attempts I've tried the hard core Project Pan approach, and other methods of denying myself only to binge BIG TIME once I reached the end so next year it will be a softer, more doable approach by reducing in the slowest way possible.  Much like a sensible diet I'm going for an everything in moderation approach rather than all out deprivation.  We're all attracted by the lure of the forbidden aren't we?  So: 

(1)  For every two makeup items I finish I'll be able to treat myself to one new luxe makeup item as a reward (the 1 for 2 approach if you like).

(2)  The only other "condition" will be to create a makeup wish list and stick strictly to that wish list to prevent impulse buying - yes the wish list can grow over the year to accommodate those dreaded limited editions too.
I'm not going it alone as the wonderful Gloss Queen Anissa of Beautifully Glossy will be joining me so we'll be supporting each other.  We've been tweeting each other about it with great enthusiasm!

There is one pretty significant thing I have to tell you before we start.  In the last couple of months before deciding to do this I organised a few overseas beauty swaps which I have yet to post (I have quickly put them up on Instagram) - and one is yet to arrive.  Just so you understand I'm not looking for loopholes here!

The first step is making this public declaration (check!).  The next step will be putting together my wish list and sharing that with you.  I'm going to be thinking hard and choosing carefully because that is my one makeup shopping list. So far I have three must-haves burning away in my brain...

If you're interested in trying our beauty diet to get your makeup shopping under control let me know in the comments below.  Likewise if you have another tactic you'd like to share let me know too!

Until next time!


  1. My post is nearly ready to go! I'm so excited about this, I think it's achievable and something we'll be able to stick to!

    1. I'm feeling confident too! It helps so much to know we're doing this together :)

  2. I don't think I can do that 1 for 2 approach. I know I'll cheat - like using loads more product than I need! Good luck, Vita!

    1. Hehe! So cheeky! I suppose I could get overzealous reapplying the lip gloss? I'll try my best to do what I usually do - but try to focus on finishing up those half-used products first ;)

    2. I like girls with a bit of attitude! ;)

  3. This is wonderful! Good luck Vita and Anissa! You girls can do it!

    1. Thanks for the support Jasmine! I remember when you were on your big ban too. Bans take so much willpower with all that temptation around. I think this will suit my personality a little better because I shouldn't have the urge to binge! xo

    2. Thanks lovely! I'm sure we can do it, it won't be easy though. It's high time I reduced the size of my collection and this will help.
      If I'm being honest, the impulse purchases are usually products that I barely use anyhow, so buying wishlist only will mean that I buy products I actually use.

  4. Good luck Vita! I think I'm going to go on an eyeshadow ban next year. I have way too many and lately, kind of hate using them to be honest!

    1. You're so creative with your eye makeup Tracy! I guess it's a lot easier than attempting a blush ban though. Now I totally get that addiction - must add a beautiful blush to my wish list. Do you have any suggestions?

  5. Good luck, that's really ambitious! Luckily it seems you have quite a few products that are nearly finished so it won't be too long before you can treat yourself to something :)

    1. Thank you! I know having Anissa's support will help me stay on track. You're right about the products - I don't anticipate the glosses will take long at all to finish, especially as I'll be off work for a month. I prefer to use gloss or tinted balm as an easy alternative for day to day lip colour :)

  6. Good luck, Vita! You can do it! I agree, a subtler and more moderate approach usually works better than all the restrictions.

    1. I feel pretty comfortable with this too - just stand by for a loooong wishlist as I try and cover all the bases. It's dawned on me that I probably need to choose one of everything - blush, mascara, foundation, lipstick etc. etc. just to be covered!

  7. Love it. Very smart idea. I'm trying to do something similar to prevent buying new polishes and makeup when I'm not finishing anything! Hopefully it'll work well for both of us. I think you're going to do great!

    1. Great minds haha! Are you going to be blogging about it? It would be cool to add you to our little "support group" too! :)

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Haha, you'll blow through these NO PROBLEM. I'm thinking of instituting a 'one in, one out' approach but not sure yet. Good luck to you ladies! :)

    1. Thanks Liz!

      I'm sure you could manage a one for one approach if you put your mind to it. I must admit I'm going to be sorely challenged by new releases and limited editions but I'm determined!

  10. This sounds like a pretty cool challenge! I am not going on anything like this, but until I get a teaching job it's sort of enforced anyway haha. I'm not a fan of the big bans as I think they stifle the love for beauty products, so this soft approach sounds much better to me!

    1. Good luck with your job hunting Emma!

      All or nothing approaches don't really work do they? I really liken it to weight loss programs - it has to be something sustainable where a little reward is okay within limits!

  11. Goodluck!!! I like that you will be doing a practical approach to it. Going cold turkey is so difficult.

    1. Thank you! I know it's a slow way of downsizing but, hey, it's still downsizing! ;)

  12. I really want to throw myself out there, but I'm so bad with pulling through with these things (cue my blush ban which I broke like 5 times). I believe you can do this though Vita! I might ease myself in with a 1 for 1 approach, I'll see how I go...

    1. Thanks Stacey!

      I think you could do a one for one too - just make the purchase something special as a reward for finishing something. I think it might become addictive in its own right! ;)

  13. Seems easy enough. So finish 2 makeup items and I get to buy ONE new one. Not bad. So if I never finish any I can't purchase any at all right?

    1. That is the worst case scenario but unlikely - I'm sure you'll find something in your collection to finish. So glad you're joining in! :)

  14. Good luck, Vita! I like this game; may I play too?
    Products I'd like to finish in 2014:
    - Rimmel Scandal Eyes Waterproof Kohl Eyeliner - 005 Nude
    - Clear Prep Fx Primer (a deluxe sample I'm trying to use it up on my brows)
    - MAC Pro Longwear Bronzer - Nude On Board (So much pan, yet so far to go.)
    - Cargo blush - Tonga (It won't die!) (I'll be sad when it goes because it's the perfect neutral blush.)
    - LORAC matte ivory eyeshadow (a nameless e/s from a palette)
    - Mineral Fusion pinkish cream eyeshadow from the Fragile trio
    - Physician's Formula Talc-Free Pressed Powder (So much pan, yet so far to go.)
    - Nailtiques Formula 2 Nail Protein Treatment
    - Nailtiques Foundation 2 Ridge-Filling Nail Strengthener Base Coat
    - Benefit Fake Up Concealer
    - Visee Skinny Eyebrow Pencil

    Woah. That's a long list! Thanks for challenging me, Vita. :)

    1. Absolutely Boo! Play along with us! I'm impressed with your list of products!

      Don't forget you can reward yourself with something special after you've finished two. Keep me posted on how you go :)

    2. Thanks, Vita! I had to write down a list because I couldn't be bothered to take a photo of the items. You've got me thinking; however, and a photo now would help me visually track my progress.

      On another note, CONGRATULATIONS on shedding the weight! You've tweeted about your runs and gosh, I had wished I had the same motivation. I got new runners in December after my others were stolen from the gym. (I didn't know people did that anymore.) I've started running again and it feels so good!

      Do you use any particular apps or spreadsheets or calendars to keep you motivated? I have stickers I haven't yet purged from my home. I may use them to track the days I run/exercise.

    3. I *had* to make a list and declare it online, to help me stick with this project. :)

      GIRL, you hid an incredible achievement in all your beauty talk! 12.5 kg lost?! I hope that is a out of hard work and good health. 12.5kg. Wowzers! I've read tweets of yours mentioning running... I had assumed it was part of your daily life and not part of a weight loss goal. <-- Gee, I'm rambling on here. The Boy and I have started running together and I thought of you. <-- More rambling: I used to be in competitive athletics at a national level (and invited on an international team), but I've struggled to find goals to motivate myself to exercise since "retiring". Life, health problems, family, and laziness got in the way... Ok. RambleS over.

    4. OMG I admire you for being an athlete!!! The weight loss and fitness regime wasn't the point of the post obviously but I was pretty proud of myself so thank you for the acknowledgement!

      I do have some little tools I use for motivation and keeping me on track and now my husband's in on it too so we keep each other motivated as well. I use MyFitnessPal to record my daily calorie intake and I now wear a UP Jawbone bracelet (which I got for Christmas) to measure my activity levels 24/7 which I sync with the UP app on my phone to let me know how I'm going. Love them both and they really take the guesswork out of everything. The UP bracelet even records exercise "events" such as my runs so I know how long I've run for, pace and distance. Hope this gives you some ideas! xo

    5. I wrote down my list on pen & paper this morning. I'm shocked. Stunned. It's a huge list. I don't do well with "all-or-nothing" plans, so I will have to rethink this to make my goals achievable.

      ps I'll have to respond to the exercise bit another time.

  15. I am IN! I think that's a great idea, and I have wanted to venture into higher end makeup... only as a reward though! I need to get rid of stuff before bringing in more! Now... to think of the wishlist... :)

    1. Just think of all the money you're saving by avoiding all those impulse purchases and suddenly you can justify that luxe purchase after all!
