
29 April, 2015

Essie: Fear Or Desire

Orange is another one of those seasonal colour fads I go through, usually at the same time of year.  It's when summer is more than halfway gone and autumn's on the way.

Cue this swatch that has been hanging around on my computer since February - Essie's Fear Or Desire.  This bright orange polish was released in Essie's 2012 Bikini So Teeny collection and I scored it much more recently at a cosmetics discount store for less than half the usual price. Because of that little fact I thought I was going to have to disappoint and say it's been discontinued but this is still available for those orange fiends out there.  Now about the's been so long since I wore this that I can't remember the specifics of the application, but if it was nasty I would have remembered I'm sure!

All pictures taken in indirect daylight:

Do you get colour obsessed too?


  1. Eeeeh, orange!
    I actually scored a deeper toned orange polish from Revlon for myself. Fear Or Desire is more of a true orange, and it looks awesome on you. :)

    1. Thanks Lena! I can totally imagine you rocking the more red-orange nails too :)

  2. What a juicy orange! I'm trying not to go overboard with the orange obsession and I think it's thankfully subsiding at last.

    1. Ooh but I love your orange obsession! It spawns a thousand lemmings every time! xo

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Coco! I just wish it was still summer...

  4. Wow, that is ORANGE. I don't think I could wear that color! I like oranges with a bit more of a pink or red to them, usually, but it does look so juicy!

    1. It's crazy orange isn't it! I think you could still give it a try though ;-)

    This one is SO STUNNING!!!
    Anything orange and yellow and I am all over it like a wasp is drawn to sugar :D
    I remember me wanting this orange when it was out in stores here but I was never able to get my hands on one.. for some reason people here seemed to love orange when this collection was out ;)

    1. YES I totally get that! Its like orange was THE thing a couple of years ago but I still haven't tired of it. It really sings of late summer to me! Now yellow...that makes me a little nervous only because I never feel like I can quite carry it off! Lol!
