
22 February, 2012

A gift from my Valentine: Jill Stuart eye palette

Yes, I'm on a Project 10 Pan, lipstick ban, lipgloss ban, blah, blah, blah and my lovely Hubby enjoys endlessly teasing me about it.  However he also teases me with the line, "You can't buy makeup but there's always Valentine's Day, the wedding anniversary and your birthday..." with a little twinkle in his eye.  Don't you love it when your partner gets that twinkle, hmmm?

So you know where I'm going with this post and it's obvious by the title - the man came up with the goods for my Valentine's gift.  And here it is, the outrageously cutely packaged Fragile Opal eyeshadow palette from Japanese beauty brand Jill Stuart!

Jill Stuart - 104 Fragile Opal

We'd spotted this palette a little while ago when out shopping together.  We were browsing in a little Asian beauty boutique where I was oohing and aahing over everything and Hubby cleverly took notice of what I was cooing the most over.  He told me this palette is limited edition and my research tells me he's right - this was released late 2011 in Jill Stuart's Fairy Garden Holiday collection.  He refused to tell me how much it cost other than to admit to it being outrageously expensive!

Now for a look at the outer packaging of the palette.  How cute and girly is this??  I am unabashedly a sucker for cute packaging so I was in heaven when I unwrapped this...

Here's a closer look at the colours in the pan and swatched on the back of my hand.  These shades all have a soft sparkle and I did notice some fallout when swatching, although hopefully primer will take care of that.  The shades from left to right are soft ivory sparkle, a pale silvery green, pink and aubergine.  I can easily see these sorts of shades on me so I'll try and do an EOTD soon.

Now I have two Jill Stuart palettes and no, I don't feel guilty at all!

Vita :)


  1. nice palette!
    whenever i'm on spending ban my husband does the same! he gave me excuses to buy and feel less guilty about buying.

    1. Aren't our men naughty creatures! I was going to feel guilty about it but that's just ridiculous - a gift is a gift and of course I'm going to accept it. No, I didn't cajole him into buying it either!

  2. The packaging of that palette is so pretty! :)

    1. It is lovely - all of the Jill Stuart line are irresistibly packaged! I'm looking forward to buying a JS blush when I allow myself to shop for makeup again :)

  3. That's so sweet of your husband. I love how Jill Stuart packages their products, it's so pretty! Can't wait for your EOTD! :)

    1. Thanks Stacey, I have to appreciate how well he can read me! I hope to get a chance to play with the palette this weekend so look out for the EOTD soon :)

  4. Wow, this is so girly and beautiful! Enjoy, Vita!
