
22 May, 2012

Essence: Viva La Green

A quickie Tuesday night post -

I'm mixing it up with a pop of colour featuring a smooth creamy green from Essence's Colour & Go line. Viva La Green is a cool but vibrant mint (almost turquoise?) green and would be a fantastic spring/summer shade for fingers and toes.  This is China Glaze For Audrey's distant green cousin.

It's a pretty straightforward creme finish and the formula was a little on the thick side so the coverage was a teeny bit uneven.  Nothing a few drops of lacquer thinner can't fix!   This is two coats without top coat.  Essence creme polishes have a wonderful glossy finish so you can easily go without an extra layer of sheen.



I like how the cool undertones contrast with the yellow undertones of my skin. 

Until next time.

Vita :)


  1. Very pretty! My local Essence stands are always picked over so very few colours are available :(

  2. I've been finding that too - I wish Target would restock the stand more often because every time I get to the Essence stands they look very sad and tired these days...

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Maria! It's probably one of my favourites :)

  4. This shade is amazing, I have this sitting with a flaky next to my bed to pop on next (giving my nails a rest right now) so I was so excited to see it posted here!

    1. We're thinking along similar lines - after I did this swatch I topped with a glitter polish. Flakies over this will look amazing :)

  5. I love this one! It reminds me of the ocean.

    1. Thanks Larie, it's a wonderful blue-green isn't it? Now you've got my mind wandering to the beach and the tropics!

  6. It really does look lovely with your skintone! :)

  7. I've seen Essence at our drugstores now and I had no idea their bottles were so teeny tiny! You always make these shades look so great though I'm not as convinced when I see them on the shelves.

    1. They're little but they're loads of fun! A lot of times the polish actually does look better on the nail. I don't know what the prices are like for you but the Essence stuff is uber-cheap down here so I don't mind taking a chance.
