
24 February, 2013

China Glaze: Swanky Silk

Hello :)

I hope you like the changes around here - my little self made blog was long overdue for a facelift and finally I have a blog layout I love thanks to the very talented Sharnee!  The colour scheme is completely opposite to what I had before but it reflects my taste a lot more closely and most importantly it's renewed my love for posting. So let that be the segue to this first post in my 'new' blog...

Swanky Silk is the sole shade I have from China Glaze's stunning duochrome New Bohemian collection released last year. It's a shade I find myself drawn to:  rose gold with the slightest green duochrome.  I did find the formula a tad streaky but I'll forgive it because I adored the colour. As it always is with duochromes the effect is more subtle on the nail than in the bottle - Still a very pretty rose gold though and a very versatile shade.



That's it for now!


  1. Vita!!!! The new background is wonderful! It's soothing on the eyes and pretty. This colour scheme is what I'd chose for myself. I dig it. :)

  2. The polish is lovely, but I LOVE the new layout! All of the colors are light and pleasing and the banner is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Larie! I had a lot of artistic input so this blog face is definitely much more me!

  3. I too love the new layout :-) My china glaze collection is so small, I may have to look into these latest shades...

    1. Oooh if you love duochrome then you have to check out the collection. I know that Scrangie did an excellent swatch post of the entire collection - lemming-worthy for sure!

  4. Love the changes Vita! From what I know of you based on your makeup/nail polish likes, the theme really reflects your style. xo

    1. Wow thanks Lilit! I feel a lot more excited about my blog now. Yes you can definitely see my colour preferences coming out here :)

  5. Swanky silk is not exactly my cup of tes but I love the changes on your blog :) Super pretty!

    1. Thank you Ina! It's a lot softer and I'm so pleased with the new look :) xoxo Funny how we both changed at around the same time!!

  6. Love the fresh face of the blog, suits you to a tee! Don't think this is a colour I would wear as I think it would wash me out, but I do see why you like it :)

    1. Thanks Emma! Seeing that you know me IRL I take this as a huge compliment - and you know my taste well xoxo

  7. Yay! It feels like springtime here with the changes. :D

    I almost picked up this bottle months back but decided I wasn't in love with the shade. It's a cool colour though!

    1. So glad you like it Liz! I needed to change it so badly but I couldn't have done this myself :p

  8. The new layout is lovely Vita. I really like the banner! The colour scheme really works well too. :)
