
28 April, 2013

Maybelline: Sapphire Siren

What's a girl to do when she's faced with a 3 for 2 beauty product offer and she doesn't know what to choose for her third product? Why not throw a bottle of nail polish into the basket? Well, that's how I think anyway!  Right the scene's set:  I'd chosen two backup products from Maybelline and the lovely deep blue Sapphire Siren polish caught my eye as the possible third.  I honestly hadn't been impressed by the look of the product in the bottle when the Color Show Nail Collection first launched a few months ago - I don't know, it just looked rather watery, and the pigment was actually visibly settling in some of the bottles.  Not promising at all.  I passed back then but figured this time my choice was effectively a freebie so it wouldn't hurt too much if it really was a dud polish. 

It turns out the polish wasn't too bad after all.  Not fantastic, but not terrible by any means. The application was smooth, and not too watery, although the coverage was a little on the sheer side.  For such a deep shade as Sapphire Siren I would normally expect 100% opaque coverage in 2 coats - which is what I applied - but I can see 3 coats would be needed for that coverage I'm used to.  The colour itself is a lovely autumn/winter almost navy blue with just the teeniest leaning towards teal. Nice.

All pictures taken in cloudy conditions:

Have you tried any shades from the Color Show Nail Collection?

Until next time.


  1. I don't have a blue like this, either, actually. For someone who collects blue polish, my range is sadly lacking!!!

    1. This would be your kind of blue wouldn't it? I'm the same though, I didn't really have something quite like this either until I made this spontaneous decision!

  2. I don't know about the quality, but the shade is wonderful for fall. I have a few dark blues that are similar but I wonder now if there's one just like this. Hrm. ;)

    1. It's a pretty one alright! I can see your mind ticking from here, lol!

  3. I LOVE this inky blue! It's really edgy looking! But 3 coats is too much for this ODD nail painter LOL.

    1. Yeah, I generally can't be bothered with a 3rd coat either. Too much time sitting around waiting for my nails to dry is not a good thing!

  4. waaaahhh BLUE! Ok so it's not exactly navy but still almost navy! OMG LOVE!!!!
