
13 May, 2013

Birthday gift: Tom Ford Nail Lacquer Set

I received the most unexpected, clever and glamorous birthday present from my husband a few days ago:  a hand selected collection of Tom Ford nail polish!  True to form he'd done his research and knew this was something I didn't have but very much wanted to try.  Using my blog as a reference point (this is what he told me) he and the Tom Ford SA decided on a selection of nail polish shades they thought I'd like.  They did pretty darn well too I have to say.  

As I said this was totally unexpected so when I unwrapped and held the weighty brown box embellished with Tom Ford on its lid I literally had no idea at all as to what was inside.  The mystery box (covered with my fingerprints I now notice)...

...was opened to reveal four bottles of Tom Ford nail lacquer. I gasped, squealed and had to cover my mouth - I'm serious.  I still get excited like a little girl when I'm surprised by luxe gifts, especially when they're luxury beauty gifts presented as beautifully as this!

Taking a closer look the choices were very thoughtful, taking into account my love of purple obviously, and my love of orange.

Left to Right:
Ginger Fire, African Violet, Bordeaux Lust, Viper

Ginger Fire - is a vibrant red-toned orange with the slightest golden shimmer (the fire perhaps?) which only reveals itself in bright sunlight.  This was the surprise shade of the selection.
African Violet - a magenta-purple cream.
Bordeaux Lust - this deep brown-red cream reminds me of dried blood.  Very vampy.
Viper - Dark aubergine cream. Even vampier. I'm going to feel slightly dangerous wearing this shade.

The swatches (in same order as above): 

I can see myself wearing all of these so at this point don't ask me what my favourite shade is - yet!


  1. Wow this are stunning! Kudos to the hubby thinking/picking up this for you. Very lucky :)


    1. I'll have to let him know! I was very pleased with this gift :)

  2. I never heard about this brand before - the colors are so gorgeous!

    1. They're all very classic I think! I'm going to enjoy wearing them all :)

  3. The squealing would be understandable! How thoughtful of your hubby to have picked out these shades taking into account some of your favourite colours :) Looking forward to seeing you sport these one by one :)

    1. I was utterly shocked and reverted to an excited child when I opened that box! And I'm very much looking forward to wearing every one of these shades :)

  4. You luck girl :) They all look so pretty but I like Bordeaux Lust and Viper the most

  5. That is such a cute story, Vita :) I think they always take pleasure in choosing out perfect gifts - your husband did a fabulous job!!!

    1. My husband always goes to a lot of effort - it makes all the more challenging when it's my turn! I hope he reads this post, although he knows how much I appreciate his gift :)

  6. Belated birthday wishes, Vita :) Hubby did extremely well! I love the polishes but I think I love the box more, haha Enjoy xoxo

    1. Thank you Su!

      Isn't the box amazing! At the moment I'm happy to store these polishes in the box but I'm sure I'll find another use for it later because it is such a nice box :)

    2. Can I ask what the background of the pictures is? I love the perfume bottle print! I may need to use something like that for perfume photos for the blog :)

    3. So cool you noticed Su! I love the ultra-feminine design too!

      My background is actually one of a trio of stackable cardboard boxes where I store/hide some of my makeup. I bought the set from a discount gift shop for only a few dollars :)

    4. Thanks for telling me :) shall hunt down something similar!

  7. Yeap... they are totally so YOU! :) Love it..
    I think I need to go look at their counter again now...

    1. What have we done each other with this 'obsession'? More TF? Yes please!

  8. Awww, I love how he researched to pick colours for you! So sweet! He did good! Fabulous picks!

    1. I was a bit embarrassed when hubby told me he and the saleslady were going through my blog together to get an idea of my colour preferences! Ah well, it obviously worked though :)

  9. I'm so proud of your hubby! :D I would have lost all composure and just started screaming as soon as the Tom Ford was revealed. LOL

    Ginger Fire looks especially amazing!

    1. Now you understand why I had to cover my mouth - to stop the squeal escalating into a scream! Let me tell you, I'm very proud of my man too :)
