
24 July, 2013

Overseas trip 2013 - Part 1: Hong Kong

Hello again :)

We've just had the most wonderful 3 week break from the Southern winter, escaping to Hong Kong and Singapore.  It's my pleasure to do a bit of a visual recap and relive my holiday in the process, starting with this post devoted to Hong Kong...

Victoria Harbour

My first views of the Harbour were somewhat misty and bleak (and humid, fogging up my camera) but by the end of our week-long trip the weather and skies cleared up so we had this cloudless view to remember.  Yes, we crossed the Harbour on the Star Ferry several times too!
Man Mo Temple (Tai Po)

What I remember was the super hot, and I mean meltingly hot, humid trek part way up the peak via the connecting outdoor escalators to get to the temple (dedicated to the gods of literature and of war) but once inside I forgot all about that.  I was caught up in the stillness and the permeating scent of the eternally smouldering incense - a place to just stop and be.  Of course once back outside and into the humid heat we chilled off with iced teas and Coke floats!

Stanley Bay

After a few days in Hong Kong I'd duped myself that it was all about hot concrete, tall buildings and the squash of humanity. WRONG! Naive tourist that I am - I really had noooo idea.  Stanley was the first stop that changed my mind. It had a positively sleepy beachside retreat vibe when we visited midweek.

Stanley Market
We browsed rather than bought then caught the bus back and moved onto the...

Tung Choi Street Market (aka Ladies' Market)
My son did most of the shopping at the Ladies' Market - kitsch USB drives for his friends and a watch for himself! Erm...and...I bought four pairs of 'Paul Frank Industries' socks for him.  It's all about kids when you go shopping with them!  On the same day we went to...

Flower Market Rd 
All the street side flowers looked so wonderful in the afternoon light so I took numerous pictures.  What else can you do when you can't take them with you? Take LOTS of pictures to remember...

I was fascinated by the rosebuds in mesh sleeves...

We also trekked through the Bird Market (a bit disturbing for me seeing large solitary birds in tight fitting cages), the Goldfish Market (you know, fish in water-filled plastic bags) and finished up at the Temple Street Night Market.  We were all exhausted and FAMISHED at the end of all that on foot market trekking - and finished up feasting on claypot chicken with rice and a large bottle of beer each. Yeah well - not my son - he was all about fried rice and Coke!


Even though HK Disneyland is small compared to others I've been to there was still enough to occupy a full day - and go for a second and third turn on favourite rides at the end of the day when the queues were much shorter.  Our faves:  Grizzly Gulch and Space Mountain.  

Victoria Peak (aka The Peak)

The crowded (read 'crushed') wait for the cable tram ride to the top of the peak was well worth it and the views were breathtaking and panoramic like nothing I've ever seen - I can only imagine how wondrous it would be on a completely clear day or at night.  That's on the itinerary for my return to HK!

My son taking in the view...

Tian Tan Buddha

We took the cable car to Ngong Ping Plateau to see the big Buddha, which surprisingly was unveiled only in 1993!  It's a 500 step return trek to the statue with the reward of a 'free' ice cream and bottle of water each for the small entry fee to the museum inside the podium - these were well appreciated after the trek up 250 stone steps on that hot clear day!  The cable car journey was worth it in itself for the views of the green hills and the busy airport - I admit to being a bit of a plane-spotter myself! Lol
So these are just some of the highlights of a packed week in Hong Kong. Yes we enjoyed the food (see my IG account for a little evidence of that - my husband frowns on me photographing food) and I shopped like my life depended on it especially for beauty products(!) which I will post separately.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures - and I've tried not to ramble too much.  After all, this ain't no travel blog!
Until next time!


  1. Gosh Vita I'm so jealous! It looks like you and your family had a fantastic time! I too had no idea Hong Kong had so much to offer - my imagery of it was just a big crowded city haha! Wow, this is definitely being added to my list of places to visit! Can't wait to read your next posts! (Particularly your beauty haul haha!)

    1. It was an amazing time absolutely! Gotta get the empties out of the way first then I'll get all the hauling up :)

  2. Amazing photos - It must be wonderful!

    1. Thank you Maria! Hong Kong is such a vibrant place!

  3. AMAZING trip Vita!!! So much to do!! And you went to their Disneyland too! My daughter really wants to go see it someday!

    1. We were certainly going non-stop and ran out of time before we ran out of things to do - your daughter will love it! Of course now I want to go back to see the things I missed first time around :)

  4. I had no idea Hong Kong had a Disney! In fact, I don't know much about Hong Kong after all. Thanks for sharing your pics with us. :D

    1. I certainly didn't know much about HK before I got there! I still think we only scratched at the surface really :p

  5. It looks like you all had an amazing trip- those roses in the sleeves fascinate me as well!

    1. Yeah, I haven't had the time to research into why they do it so it does intrigue me. I guess it's to protect the perfect little buds :)

  6. That's exciting! Thanks for sharing part of your trip! I love seeing travel photos, especially since I haven't been on a trip myself in a while.

    1. My pleasure Larie! I love living vicariously through others' experiences too. Now I'm having to cope with being bitten by the urge to travel again, and again...

  7. Love the pics, looks like you had an awesome time!

    1. Thanks Leanne, it was a memorable holiday!

  8. Wow! Just wow! The photos are amazing Vita!! And those flowers, you just captured the essence in an image! I haven't been to Hong Kong yet but it's definitely on my bucket list. Oh the shopping I could do!

    1. Thank you Norlin :)

      Hong Kong is fantastic for shopping - as you'll see soon! I feel like I need to go back now!
