
25 February, 2014

TAG: 30 Random Facts About Me

This tag was a long time coming because I found it really, really challenging to dig out 30 random facts that wouldn't bore you to tears - thanks to the lovely and très articulate Liz for tagging me! Now let's see if I succeed in keeping you all interested!  I hope I don't scare you all away now...
 Happy times on vacation with my boy!
1. I am an only child and I am also the mother of an only child - at varying stages of my life I swung between wanting a houseful of kids (some crazy number like 10?!) to wanting absolutely no kids so it panned out the right way in the end.
2. I used to be such a fussy eater as a child but I'm sure I've 99% overcome that.  A lot of things I went to huge efforts to avoid I now love, such as mushrooms, pumpkin and olives.  I'm open to trying new cuisines too which I love to do whenever I travel.
3. My eyelashes are unnaturally long as a side effect of medicated eye drops I use every day to keep my glaucoma under control.
4. I absolutely suck at reverse parking and avoid it at every opportunity.  Of course our car has rear-parking sensors just in case I have to go there!
5. I can never read a single book at a time and always have at least three on the go at once, plus numerous magazines. 
6. I have an open mind when it comes to ghosts and the afterlife although I have never had an encounter myself.
7. I love travel!  Doesn't matter if it's here or overseas - I just love being out there and quite honestly I get depressed when I get back home unless we have another trip already planned.  I had the post-vacation blues for a month when we came back from Japan in 2008 because there was nothing planned to look forward to.
8. I can knit and crochet although I haven't completed any crafty projects in years.  I may just take up a project this autumn so I can have something cosy and homemade ready in winter!
9. I will forever - until I shrink with age and the inevitable compresses of gravity - say that I'm 5 feet 4 1/2 inches tall (that's 163cm), because I was so pi**ed off at never making it to 5 foot 5! That half inch for some reason really means a lot to me!
10.  I have a fiery temper and swear like a sailor.  I'm encouraging my son to fine me a dollar each time I do it to help me mend my ways.  I like to blame genetics, specifically my mother, but that's probably a case of nurture rather than nature so I need to rise above my own less than perfect upbringing.
11. Chocolate is my number one "drug" of choice.  All kinds:  dark, milk or white.  It's all good (or evil) as far as I'm concerned and I could very easily let it creep back into my daily diet.  I have to make a conscious effort to keep everything in moderation.
12. I was painfully shy as a child and it's taken all my life to overcome my social anxiety.  Making Youtube videos is yet one more way of conquering it.

13. Despite pinning every killer heel there is out there in my spare time, when it comes back to reality I'm a flats girl because I can't stand the pain that is inevitably - in my sad gnarly feet's case - associated with teetering beauty.

14. I'm a lone wolf when it comes to exercise.  I don't do classes or team sports so I'll go running or off for a gym workout by myself.

15.  I used to bite my nails until I was the ripe old age of 17. Painting my nails has pretty much been my obsession since then.

16. I can make a pretty damn delicious (better than sex in my humble opinion) Reese's Cheesecake Brownie.  Addictive much?

17. I prefer weepy movies over comedies. I enjoy the cleansing release of a good cry.

18. I don't mind sci-fi movies but I don't love horror films and I hate any kind of gratuitous gore fest - I prefer suspense and implied events (where my imagination can do all the heavy lifting) rather than blood and guts in my face.

19. Much to my regret I can't play a musical instrument and I don't speak another language.

20. However, I do plan on learning another language, namely at least a bit of Japanese before I head there again later this year!

21. I stumbled into blogging after searching online for the perfect greige nail polish over three years ago.  Suddenly I was inspired by the online swatches and thought why not?

22. I enjoy the company of pets and I'm a dog AND cat lover, although I'm leaning a little more towards my feline company these days with my two cats...

23. ...and that's also why every year I buy a Classic Cats calendar to hang on my kitchen wall!

24.  My age will be twice this number in a few months *groan*.

25. Aside from nail polish and makeup I also love collecting food magazines and cookbooks.  I enjoy cooking although it's rare I get the time to do anything on a grand scale - my usual style is speed-cooking during the week and I usually get Friday nights off!

26.  Now that we've gravitated back to food my favourite ice cream combination is peanut butter with chocolate-chip cookie dough mixed in.  Mmmmm....that usually happens on Friday nights when we go out for dinner and end up at our local Cold Rock Ice Cream parlour for dessert!

27. I used to recite the alphabet backwards for fun when I was a kid.  I just tried it now and I damn well can't do it anymore!

28. We're getting pretty random now aren't we??  Another 'useful' talent I had as a kid was the ability to walk en pointe in bare feet just as though I was a barefoot ballerina - I think that was downright crazy and blame it for the gnarly feet I have now :p

29. I wear a UP Jawbone bracelet 24/7 to measure my daily activity levels and sleep.  I now know that I sleep better than my husband does - yes he wears one too!

30. I would love to visit Paris one day for a second honeymoon with said husband!

And that's all folks! Phew! No kidding this took me THREE days to write!!!



  1. Those three days you slaved away were totally worth it, this was ridiculously interesting :) I too am very sad that I am completely musically illiterate and don't know any other language! x

    1. Thanks Candice - I appreciate that you stuck it out to the end! I guess you and I still have things left to learn :)

  2. I felt exhausted just reading this!! Good work ;) I am the same with number 5!!

    1. Thank goodness I'm not the only one who loves a good book or three!!!

  3. Really enjoyed your answers! Thanks for sharing Vita. I can really relate to #12, I definitely am not a social butterfly and a lot of my choices in life and where I'm at now is a result of wanting to avoid uncomfortable social situations and putting myself out there. That Reese's Cheesecake Brownie sounds amazing :) Hope you manage to fulfill your dream of going to Paris soon.

    1. Thank you! I was terribly shy in school - it was even a big effort putting my hand up in class and that was when I KNEW the answer. I've been making conscious efforts to push the boundaries ever since.

  4. Oooo... recipe for that brownie please. Oh wait, no, don't. Not good for me. LOL! Awesome post, Vita!

    1. Thanks Lily - maybe I'll be naughty and post that recipe!

  5. Loved this post, Vita! I'm definitely more of a flats girl myself although I love the look of heels. For some reason, I've found that heeled boots are a little bit less painful for me :) I'm so jealous of your trip to Japan!

    1. Boots are a great compromise and they're definitely more comfortable for me too! I'm counting down to the Japan trip although I have to wait until September and that still feels so far away :p

  6. Love this my friend! I'm a flats girl too and LOVE chocolate as well. And I want to go back to Paris too! :)

    1. Flats, chocolate and Paris. I think I've got all the essentials covered!!!

  7. Totally with you on #9 and 12! And I would never have known you were an only child. You're so generous and nurturing, I thought that you were the first of many. ;) And what's the name of that prescription for your eye issue? Because I want that side effect. LOL

    Thanks for doing the tag! You were the only one I tagged who managed to finish it, so HURRAH! Extra ice cream and chocolate for you! :D

    1. Come on girl - I totally thought you were model tall! Lol
      I'm definitely one of one so I guess that means they broke the mold with me - I spent a great deal of my childhood enjoying my own company or in the company of adults. I can't explain my personality really except perhaps I'm a bit like my father who to this day is such a mother hen! Those eye drops could have also changed my eye color too - I'm glad I didn't have that particular side effect - truth is stranger than fiction sometimes! I think you deserve the ice cream and chocolate for reading this whole thing!!!

    2. I used to think I was 5'6" at least until the doctor's office told me I was 5'4.5", LOL! I just round it up to 5'5" and wear heels as much as I can. :D

      That eye drop sounds a little more scary now. WHAT. O__o

    3. Yes I was worried my green eyes would change and darken to brown after starting the eye drops but it didn't happen. Of course I'm not scared of my eye drops at all because they have preserved my sight!

  8. I used to be able to recite the alphabet backward, too! I think I still can ;) I also bit my nails until high school or so, so now it's such a pleasure to have lovely painted nails ;)

    This tag took me forever, as well, lol! I had to leave it and do it over a week or so.

    1. I can get as far as "z, y, x and w, v..." before I lose my rhythm! You talented woman you - I need to practice!
      It is a nice feeling being a reformed nail-biter although it did feed my nail polish obsession ;)
      Finally - glad to know I'm not the only one taking time to compile this list!

  9. I'm so with you on #26! Glad to know you better :) Found your blog through Liz's - hello, nice to meet you.

    1. Nice to meet you too and nice to know we have a love of yummy things in common!

      I love Liz's blog too - I can never miss a single post, although sometimes I have a bit of catch up reading to do! Lol
