
09 April, 2014

Time for a vacation...

Hi again!  Posting twice in one day must be an all-time record for me!
After the flurry of posts I thought I'd let you know as of the 10th of April (tomorrow down here) I'll be taking a little break because we're heading up to the Gold Coast in Queensland for a family getaway. Things might be quiet around here for the next couple of weeks depending on little things like wifi availability and how busy (or lazy) we are.  Normal posting will resume from 19th of April.
Hopefully the weather will be a little something like this:
Speak to you all soon!


  1. Oh my gosh you lucky duck! Bring us back some sunshine, right? :)
    Enjoy! You deserve it! xx

    1. I tried! Dammit it's been windy and raining since I got back but tomorrow will be sunny - so says the Bureau of Meteorology! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Tracy! We had a wonderful time! xo

  3. Replies
    1. 7 out of 9 days were perfect! Not bad considering Cyclone Ita hit up North while we were away - it didn't seem to affect the weather at all :)

  4. Enjoy your break Vita! There won't be any travelling this year for me unfortunately - blaming it on the fact that Miss 12 just started year 7 and I have gone back to uni again. Sigh...I'll be living vicariously through you and your many holidays! xx

    1. Aww thanks Norlin :)

      Maybe 2015 will be a more travel-friendly year for you! xo

  5. My sister lived in Gold Coast for almost a year. I was stupid for never visiting! Enjoy your vacay, Vita!

    1. Oh no! Put it on the bucket list! If I could snap my fingers and return there right now I would!!!

  6. Enjoy your break Vita! I hope Gold Coast stays bright and sunny (unlike Sydney) for you and your family!

    1. Thank you Stacey! The weather was very kind to us - I only wish we'd stayed a little longer :)
