
30 December, 2014

My 2015 beauty resolutions

This post is one I've been thinking about considerably over the last month or so.  Most of 2014 was devoted to going on a beauty diet to curb my impulse spending on cosmetics so what do I want to get out of 2015?
The beauty diet (basically it was 2 products out for every 1 new product in) did have a lingering effect on me and I've noticed how much more deliberate I've become with my makeup purchases - I must also thank  Sophie, Anissa, and Norlin for joining me and lending their support.  Just yesterday I stalked the higher end beauty counters for sale bargains and I walked away with nothing! I'd hoped to find a certain high end mascara on sale and because that particular mascara wasn't discounted I decided I wasn't going to buy something else just for the sake of it, see? Something has obviously switched over in my brain. 
Okay enough patting myself on the back.  Moving onto 2015 goals I've decided I can loosen the reigns just a little so here's what I plan to do:
1) Rather than doing 2 for 1 this year I'll use up (or cull) at least 1 makeup product before I buy a new product.  Based on my new 'restrained' behaviour I'm hopeful that won't automatically mean I run to the makeup counter every time I have another empty! Basically I'm going to genuinely want/desire/need something first. If it passes that test then it's a green light for me! 
On the other hand here's where I've UPPED the ante...

The lingering lip glosses
2) I've got waaaaay too many lip glosses in my collection so I'm going on a lip gloss buying ban FOR THE YEAR!  It shouldn't be as hard as it sounds seeing as I'm favouring mattes and longwearing lipsticks at the moment.  Having said that, hopefully I will actually finish some of my glosses and I'll also have a good hard look/sniff at which ones need to go due to old age and expiration.

 The bronzer bonanza
3) My bronzers all look so new and unloved! I've already pledged on Instagram that I'm going to start wearing my bronzers and contouring products more regularly this year and now I'm going up the ante by challenging myself to hit pan on a bronzer!!! HITTING PAN ON A BRONZER?!? CAN I DO IT??? If I can I plan on finally treating myself to a Guerlain bronzer (something I've had on my wishlist since the start of 2014)!

4) Finally, not so much a beauty plan but a blogging pledge:  I'll make sure to post at least twice a week in 2015.  Of course if I get that burst of creative energy I'll get onto it more frequently but I've been a bit all over the place this year and a couple of posts a week is very doable without me feeling pressured :)

Well I think I've got enough beauty rules for 2015.  Will you be setting yourself any challenges or resolutions for the coming year?


  1. I've decided to go on your beauty diet, I kinda grew sick of project pan, beauty diet should be a bit better - I won't have to focus on a limited number of products. Lots of luck hitting pan on a bronzer! Happy New Year :)

    1. Thanks Aine and good luck with your beauty diet!

      I did find it was the easiest way of curbing my spending so far - 10 pan is extremely hard core because you have to wait several months in a state of deprivation and I found I binged at the end! Lol

  2. great goals, joining with project pan this year- hopefully to get rid of my lipglosses too :)

    1. Good luck Sara! Lip glosses are the one thing we don't want hanging around for too long and potentially going bad so good luck with that too!

  3. Great goals! I'm trying to limit my buying this new year and only buy things that I really, really want and that will actually be useful ;)
    Sweetaholic Beauty

    1. Thanks Jasmine, I know it's so easy to impulse buy these days because we're surrounded by temptation. Much better to buy fewer things you've really thought about - and will love to have!

  4. Well, the beauty diet has certainly taught me how much I don't need most items! I've been mindful of what I bought and actually didn't even use up my quota what I COULD purchase to replace the ones I threw away, gave away and used up. In fact even after the challenge, I only bought products I needed replaced at the Priceline sale and only two that I really wanted to try. That's a whole year! Not bad! No goals this year except to be very mindful of what I buy - which I've already put into practice.

    1. It's been a great experience and thanks for joining in! The attitude change was the best thing - and I'm embracing that too this year. If I can wait until I've finished something first, then I have the time to think about whether I REALLY want it (or not!)

  5. Hit pan on a bronzer! Whoa! Hahaha. I'm glad you feel like you've gotten something out of your goals for 2014! That's always the best feeling. I don't think I have any beauty related goals, but I have some personal thoughts that I'm going through for the new year, too.

    1. Yes I've regained my self-control which was a great feeling! Wishing you all the best for your 2015 plans and dreams Larie! xo

  6. I've hit pan on a bronzer so you can do it! Good luck on your goals this year! I don't think I have any beauty goals either, besides maybe not buying anymore eyeshadows since I hardly wear them now.

    1. I'm loving your new glasses Tracy by the way! You've filled me with confidence that I CAN hit pan on a bronzer - more positive affirmations are always good :))

  7. Excited to see you blow through these things. WOOOOOOSH. It's amazing that you've managed to turn your buying habits long-term. That's some will power!

    1. I've heard it takes 12 weeks to change or form habits so I wonder if that came into play here? I did have my vacation binge late last year which was fun and I bought some things leading up to Christmas but I'm really back into that mindset of thinking before I buy. I haven't actually 'resolved' to but I'd also like to build up the courage to throw out and give away more things. Anissa from has been trailblazing on that front tossing something like 50+ products in a single cull!!!

  8. Great goals for 2015, Vita! You are very well disciplined. I was congratulating myself on coming out of Sephora recently with only a travel-sized La Vanilla deodorant, 1 single Urban Decay eyeshadow, and 1 UD lipstick that I gave my mom as a gift. So 2 things! I like the one in, two out method. I will apply that to this month and see how I do. I did recently go through a good bit of my collection and some was expired and went to pasture and the rest was sent to Glambot (they buy lightly-loved and unused makeup, sterilize it, reseal it, and sell it). I've sold to them once before and it was amazing to get paid for makeup I'd lost interest in or didn't fit me well to begin with. Anywho, thanks for the inspiration! Happy 2015 to you and your family!

    1. Happy New Year to you too!

      Gawd, sometimes I DO feel the resolve weaken when it comes to spending on makeup so I feel like I need to impose some kind of boundaries on myself! Good going with the restrained Sephora jaunt and Glambot sounds interesting too. I wonder if it's a US only thing?

  9. Hmmm, I'm going to join you on the lip gloss no buy for the year. I have so many of them and I rarely wear lip gloss anymore, I either wear lipstick or lip balm. I don't even remember the last time I bought a lip gloss, it must have been months ago.

    1. I'm wearing my glossed on my time off at home because I feel like lipstick is OTT unless I'm leaving the house. I think I can easily go the next 12 months without buying any more because like you I enjoy balms just as much :)
