
29 December, 2014

W7: Dawn Raider

Hi everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the holiday season :)
Sorry for my unannounced hiatus.  I was feeling quite a bit tired towards the end of my working year and I guess I didn't realize quite how mentally tired I was until I after I finished work on the 17th.  One day dragged out to the next and the next until a few weeks slipped by. Anyway I hope you get what I mean.  Now I'm finally getting ideas swirling away in my head for future posts - and I also have a ton of nail swatches - so let me get back on this blogging bike again starting with this nail post!
I wore this deep blue polish from W7 a few weeks ago when the weather was kind of dreary and I wasn't feeling in the mood for bright spring/summer colours.  Dawn Raider is basically fine silver glitter swimming in an inky navy blue jelly base so the glitter itself appears quite blue on the nail. The glitter mix and colour base are very dense so two coats easily did the job for me.  I finished with a single layer of top coat but would recommend two for a smooth glassy veneer - I still had some bumpiness on my nails although obviously not enough to annoy me to apply that second layer!

Until next time!


  1. This is GORGEOUS! What a spectacular blue! My soft spot, haha. I have Lippmann Across the Universe which is a dark blue glitter (with green bits), but nowadays my mind fast forwards to the removal process and I reach for a cream instead, LOL.

    1. Oh I feel the same way! I'm conflicted about the removal so I make sure when I wear a glitter I'm committed to get a decent wear time out of it - or remove it on the same day before it sets rock hard. This was an amazing shade to wear and I really enjoyed it!
