
25 October, 2012

Halloween inspired NOTD (& some fake gore!)

My son and I were both fooling with Halloween themed things last weekend.  Being in Australia we don't celebrate it in a serious way in our household, nor in the neighbourhood for that matter (I do buy bags of sweet things in anticipation of the trick or treaters who never come), but we do acknowledge it in a small way :)

First up is my Halloween colour themed manicure:  I hacked into some Hollywood tape with my scissors to create jagged edges, stuck it to my nails as a sort of zig-zag stencil then applied black polish to the tips of my orange nails to create black "flames".  It's really rough and ready but hey it was just for fun.  This is Revlon Black Lingerie over Essence C'est La Vie.  I hope you like my little prop, hehe!  My boy's toys are good for more than one thing after all.  They multitask as blogger props...

Now for the gore:  I created a nasty looking "bloodied cut" on my son's hand using nothing more fancy than petroleum jelly, toilet paper, red food colouring, and dusted with a bit of cocoa around the edges to create that lovely grazed look. 

My son's chosen to remain anonymous but my little ol' lady cat Squeaky decided to get in shot:

 And the close up:

 Tell me:  What do you do for Halloween?
That's it for now.

Vita :)


  1. Wow that looks great! Both of them! :D
    I love the mani, the colours are gorgeous!
    The cut looks awesome, very realistic! May have to steal that idea for Halloween!

    I'm a big lover of Halloween myself and wish Australia would take a part in it :(
    I always have a party and make everyone dress up! Mwahaha!

    1. Thank you Jasmine, so glad to hear of other Aussies getting into it! We always make sure to commemorate it in a little way - Halloween is scary movie night :)

  2. Nails look gorgeous!

    I don't do anything for Halloween but I wish Australia celebrated it! So much fun could be had...

    1. Thanks Stephanie - I think we're starting to get into it more down here. I've recently seen those huge Halloween carving pumpkins for sale at our local supermarket, although they're ridiculously expensive!

  3. Your nails look perfect for Halloween! Nice art work with the wound!

    1. Thanks Rose! I didn't expect to post gory makeup on this blog but I was happy with my first attempt! Next project: fake blood, lol!

  4. LOL that "cut" looks great - and so does the mani!

    here in Denmark, we also do not have any Halloween tradition - or rather it's a new thing to us, and the shops love it ;)

    1. Yes, I think the shops are getting into it more than us too - they'll win us over eventually!

  5. Love the mani! So much fun!
    And cool wound! Pretty awesome! My daughter is now too old for Halloween, so we don't do much. But I sure enjoy giving out the candy and seeing all the little ones dressed up and excited!

    1. Hold on0not too old for Halloween-I meant to old for trick-or-treating haha! You can never be too old for Halloween!

    2. Thanks Tracy! - it must be wonderful seeing all the kids dressed up and seeing their (unmasked) faces when you give out the candy :)

  6. How awesome! I'm not much of a Halloween person, haha. So boring.

    1. Thanks! You're not boring Larie! I'm guessing it's more of a family type thing?

  7. OMG, that is some horrifically convincing looking scar! Good job, Vita!!

    1. Not bad for my first try, huh? Best thing is it all just wipes off after you're done! It's a bit of a messy activity though, lol!
