
19 February, 2013

You Beauty: Shade 017

Hello again - I'm struggling to keep up with blogging at the moment because I'm on a health and fitness kick and working out 6 days a week! I need to get the optimum routine going and then it will all come together again blogging-wise etc.  Trouble is I think I'm going to have to haul my sorry butt out of bed earlier in the morning and I'm just not a morning person.  Right - now that ramble's out of the way let's get onto the polish!

Shade 017 is for you if you like grape jelly.  Yes, it's a jelly finish and is the perfect match for grape jelly in a jar.  Of course it also has a generous sprinkling of fine glitter!  The blue and purple glitter complement the base polish perfectly and appear to swim on the nails through the translucence.  It's not terribly summery but sometimes it feels good to mix it up...



That's it for tonight!

Vita :)


  1. Good for you on your fitness quest! :D
    And this is a gorgeous colour! I'm in love!

    1. Thanks Jasmine - I'm still here, just not as often! If I'm not here I'm pounding the treadmill or the pavement :)

  2. Shade shots are swoon worthy, it really does look like grape jelly!! Love the glitter through it, I think this would be beautiful over that lilac lime crime shade you have :)

    1. The jelly formula really brings out the 3D glitter effect - great idea trying it layered too!

  3. Oh, I like the jelly finish! Super cool. And good for you! Exercise is important and it helps me sleep better, too. But I agree, it is a squeeze to get it all in there!

    1. Yes, I forgot you like your exercise too! Rock climbing wasn't it? It's weird doing all this exercise - I felt like something was missing on my rest day (Sunday). Let me tell you - that is SO not the old me!!!

  4. Replies
    1. It's a winner alright - it really stood out amongst the other shades in the range!

  5. Wanna know what was in my head the whole time I was reading this post?
    "I don't think you ready for this jelly
    I don't think you ready for this jelly
    I don't think you ready for this
    Cause my body too bootylicious for ya babe"

    XD Happy Wednesday, Vita!

    1. ROFL!
      I needed that!! You're such a (cheeky) sweetheart! Nothing like a bit of Beyonce and the girls ;)

  6. Good for you Vita! Keep it up!
    This is really pretty too! You always show such great shades!

    1. Thank you Tracy xoxo

      I hope to get right back into the swing of things again soon!

  7. I bet you have the most kickass nails at the gym. ;)

    1. You know how to make me smile - loved that comment! xo
